Paper Bag Puppet Workshop

Who wouldn't want to make a puppet as cute as this? Accessible to all ages young and old this puppet can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it.
We often run this workshop after one of our shows. It is a "walk in" workshop so it's informal and easy to join in. It provides an opportunity for parents to spend time having fun and being creative with their young children.
Perfect for family centered events past clients for this workshop include Discover Bundoran, The Tacu Family Centre, Hullabloo Arts Festival and Turlough House National Museum of Country Life, to name a few.
This is an inexpensive way to provide a good quality event which can run for as long as you want it to. It adds an industrious, fun, positive atmosphere to your event. To call us for a quote click here or to email our puppet helpline click here.